As part of the PhotoVoice Project mission, we are dedicated to further expanding the PhotoVoice methodology towards recovery efforts for people and areas affected by disaster.
One important element of this mission is to educate people across Japan on the PhotoVoice methodology.
While our exhibition events allow us to display these photos and voices for the public, their exposure is limited to those who attend the event and for a limited time period. For that reason, we created the PhotoVoice Book so that these stories can be shared with a wider audience in a timeless format. PhotoVoice Book No. 1 “Our PhotoVoice of 3.11:Then, Now, and Moving Forward” was published in March of 2015, followed by PhotoVoice Book No. 2 “Visions for more effective disaster prevention and reconstruction: PhotoVoice from women affected by the Great East Japan Disaster” in February of 2018.
We have also begun holding PhotoVoice workshops and facilitator training seminars. For example, “What is PhotoVoice? Workshop and Talk” (フォトボイスとは~体験ワークショップおよびトーク) was held on March 1st, 2017 in conjunction with a PhotoVoice exhibition in the Toshima Ward of Tokyo.
Several PhotoVoice presentations have also been given at academic conferences across Japan. In June of 2014, The PhotoVoice Project Workshop and Public Forum was held at Ritsumeikan University (Kyoto) with the Japan Society of Community Psychology.
● Facilitator Training Workshops (coming soon)
● Workshops & Demonstrations (coming soon)