● Corporate Name: 特定非営利活動法人 フォトボイス・プロジェクト
● English: PhotoVoice Project, Inc.
● Project Overview
Women affected by the Great East Japan Disaster take photographs that capture their emotions and experience with loss, deriving meaning from their experiences in a way that can be applied to community and societal problems at large. Through these photos and “voices”, our goal is to develop more effective disaster prevention, reduction, and recovery policies.
Specifically, we facilitate group meetings and discussions in major areas affected by the disasters as well as areas of Tokyo with large refugee populations. Through photographs, group members share their experiences with the 3.11 disasters, their thoughts towards disaster prevention and recovery, and societal problems at large. These survivors turned photographers then each write and edit a “voice” (personal message) that they would like to share with their community, which are also translated into English and shared with audiences overseas. These photos and “voices” are distributed domestically and abroad via exhibitions and events, the publication of a PhotoVoice book, website, and national archives on the disasters. With this wide range of publicity, we are not only able to preserve memory of the disasters, but also ensure that the experiences and insights of women are better incorporated into future disaster prevention and recovery policies.
● Organization Structure
Our organization is comprised of a board of directors, board of general affairs, managers, regular members, supporting members, and volunteers. Various partner organizations from each region (Hearty Sendai, Ekubo House Onegawa, Ajisai Kai in Miyako, Women’s Space Fukushima in Koriyama, etc.) also assist in contacting participants and reserving meeting locations.
● Contact Information:
――Mail: photovoicejapan@gmail.com
――Website: http://photovoicejapan.jp/
――Facebook: https: //www.facebook.com/PhotoVoiceProjectJapan
――Address: 〒105-0011 東京都港区芝公園2-6-8-5階OWL
――Phone: -090-8805-2011(代)
● Established: May 24, 2011
● NPO established: June 17, 2014
● Executives: view here (pdf)
● Articles of Incorporation: view here (pdf)
2013 Business Report: view here (pdf)
2013 Statement of Financial Activities: view here (pdf)
2013 Inventory of Property: view here (pdf)
2013 Balance Sheet: view here (pdf)
2014 Business Report: view here (pdf)
2014 Statement of Financial Activities: view here (pdf)
2015 Business Report: view here (pdf)
2015 Statement of Financial Activities: view here (pdf)
2016 Business Report: view here (pdf)
2016 Statement of Financial Activities: view here (pdf)