フォトボイスという手法を開発したのは、当時ミシガン大学で公衆衛生学(Public Health)の教鞭を問っていたDr. Caroline Wangです。そのため、フォトボイスは公衆衛生の分野で普及しました。Wong教授によるフォトボイスに関する著作は多数ありますが、代表的なものは下記です。
Wang, C.C. (1999). Photovoice: A participatory action research strategy applied to women’s health. Journal of Women’s Health, 8, 185-192.
Wang, C., & Burris, M.A. (1994). Empowerment through photo novella: Portraits of participation. Health Education & Behavior, 21, 171-186.
Wang, C., & Burris, M.A. (1997). Photovoice: Concept, methodology, and use for participatory needs assessment. Health Education & Behavior, 24, 369-387.
Bananuka, T., & John, V.M. (2015). Picturing community development work in Uganda: Fostering dialogue through Photovoice. Community Development Journal, 50, 196-212.
Beh, A., Bruyere, B.L., & Lolosoli, S. (2013). Legitimizing local perspectives in conservation through community-based research: A Photovoice study in Samburu, Kenya. Society and Natural Resources, 26, 1390-1406.
Bell, S. E. (2015). Bridging activism and the academy: Exposing environmental injustices through the feminist ethnographic method of Photovoice. Human Ecology Review, 21, 27-58,199.
Carlson, E.D., Engebretson, J., & Chamberlain, R.M. (2006). Photovoice as a social process of critical consciousness. Qualitative Health Research, 16, 836-852.
Cornwall, A., Capibaribe, F., & Gonçalves, T. (2010). Revealed cities: A Photovoice project with domestic workers in Salvador, Brazil. Development, 53, 299-300.
Dentith, A.M., Measor, L., & O’Malley, M.P. (2009). Stirring dangerous waters: Dilemmas for critical participatory research with young people. Sociology, 43, 158–168.
Yoshihama, M., & Carr, E. S. (2002). Community participation reconsidered: Feminist participatory action research with Hmong women. Journal of Community Practice, 10, 85-103.
Peabody, C. G. (2013). Using Photovoice as a tool to engage social work students in social justice. Journal of Teaching in Social Work, 33, 251-265.
International Association of Schools of Social Work(国際ソーシャルワーク学校連盟 )が発行するSocial Dialogue という学会誌のArts & Social Work という特集号(2018年5月 第19巻)には、フォトボイスを応用したプロジェクトが複数紹介されています。フォトボイス・プロジェクトの目的、手法、過程などを詳しく説明しています。26~30ページに掲載されています。